Once again, in honor of International Women's Day, anyone can watch the full film for free online during the next few weeks. So spread the word. Email your friends. Post it on Facebook. Share it on your blog. Think of it as a big shout out to all butches and their loved ones everywhere. We see and appreciate you!
Thanks to many wonderful volunteers from around the world the film is currently available with a subtitles in English, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, and Polish.
Thanks to many wonderful volunteers from around the world the film is currently available with a subtitles in English, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, and Polish.
To watch in full screen mode click on the symbol in the bottom right corner of the picture. You can also watch it on your TV if you have a smart TV, Roku, or Apple TV device and you add the Vimeo channel.
What's next?
I am fascinated by stories about lesbians from the past. So little information is available about
women like us from many years ago. It is as if we never existed. The next film, currently titled "We Have Always Been Here" explores this issue. It examines why lives of lesbians have been so hidden and spotlights lesbian women and relationships from various cultures and time periods from around the world. If you'd like to learn more about it, click below: |
A Catholic Schoolgirl Gone Bad Production
Copyright 2016